I know it's been a while since you've heard from me, so I thought I should probably let everyone know that things are still going well in the Moss household! Here's what we've been up to in the last month or so:
I started taking dance classes at a dance studio super close to our house. My class is called Creative Movement and it's designed for 2.5-3.5 year olds. We meet once a week for an hour and I love it! So far I've learned the "Bear Walk", "Camel Crawl", "Turkey Tuck", and demi-plie.
Mommy has had two major changes in her life. The first is that she is back at her old school this year. Our family knows that this move was God-ordained, but that doesn't mean that it's been easy (in fact, this is a big part of the reason that you haven't heard from me in the last month and a half)! Even with all the difficulties Mommy has encountered, she is really enjoying being back at her "old" school...and working less than one minute from home.
Mommy's second change is that she has joined a Zumba class...and she loves it! A little over a month ago, "Aunt" Tara discovered a Zumba studio right next door to my dance studio. She and Mommy tried it out one night and were hooked immediately. This one hour workout is jam packed from start to finish, and it has caused Mommy to discover that every single spot on her body is capable of sweating. Even with all that sweat, though, Mommy generally has a huge smile on her face through the whole workout. And that smile just keeps getting bigger as she's beginning to notice more definition in her calf, thigh, and ab muscles.
Daddy has had a really busy month and a half, too. At the beginning of August, he spent a week leading a team from our church on a missions trip to Haiti. While he was there, he learned to listen to the Holy Spirit with greater clarity and developed a greater desire to personally support the missionaries our church is in partnership with.
Daddy also recently had his acting debut, as he was "cast" in an in-house JC Penney promotional video. And just let me tell you, most of us have noooo idea the amount of time that goes into shooting a 30 second video clip. Whoowee.