Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday Best

Wowie, wow, wow!  What a day we had at church today.

Since it's the fifth Sunday of the month, Mommy was teaching in preschool children's church.  Our worship service is generally over at 11:30ish, so the preschool teachers like to have their kiddos ready to go at that time.  When 11:30 rolled around, Mommy and the other workers had all 23 preschoolers seated in rows with their completed crafts in hand and Goldfish snacks in mouth.

Five minutes later there were still 23 preschoolers in the room and not a parent in sight.  Another ten minutes passed before one lone mommy approached the door to pick up her daughter.  Mommy asked her if the service had just let out and she said, "Oh, no.  The Holy Spirit is so thick in there... I think it's going to be a while yet.  My work shift starts soon, though, so we've got to leave."  Every five minutes or so, another parent would come pick up their child and repeat a similar message. 

"The Lord is really working today.  It's probably going to be a while." 

"People are very responsive to the Word right now.  You may be in here for some time yet."

The  preschoolers were in an especially calm and cooperative mood today, so Mommy was able to smile at each parent and say, "No problem.  I'm glad that the Holy Spirit is working. We'll be just fine in here."

And guess what?  She was right!  By the time 12:30 had come and gone Mommy still had a big group of preschoolers.  The Holy Spirit must have been working among them, too, because they were still in great moods even though they were getting hungry.

How was I doing, you ask?  I was great, too.  Gramma knew that I was probably getting a little antsy, so she joined me in the nursery around 12:00.  She kept me occupied in the nursery for a while, then brought me into Mommy's preschool class where I enjoyed watching the "biii kids".

I know I've said this before, but I sure do love our church! 


Zion said...

That's awesome, we had one of those kind of services today too. I have been hearing a lot of stuff like this all over the country and sounds like revival is about to spread like crazy! I like the part about the Holy Spirit being with the toddlers, because I totally know how that is.

BTW- I guess our "Jeremy's" met at the CFNI church fair last week. That's so cool how we keep connecting :)