I had a nearly perfect day in the nursery today! Can you believe that I only cried for a few seconds (when Mommy said goodbye), and I was a happy girl the rest of the time?
Auntie bought this cutie outfit for me. Mommy says it makes me look like a baby rockstar.
I guess my new rockstar look left me feeling a little dare devilish, because I tried standing up in my brown chair for the first time! Don't worry...Mommy was closer than you think.
After church, Mommy and Daddy's young adult group went to Daddy's favorite pizzeria for lunch. I was in a super fantastic mood the whole time we were there! I manage to tolerate restaurant high chairs a little bit longer each time we go out to eat.
Here I am with Mommy and Daddy's friend, Nicolas. Nicolas is neck and neck with "Uncle" Oscar in the race to be my biggest fan. Every Sunday, he tells me how beautiful I am and how mesmerized he is by my baby blues. Mommy says it's too bad he's not about 18 years younger!

And this is me with Mommy and Daddy's friend, Danielle. Danielle is one of the funniest people I know. She told me that she reads my blog every day after school because "after teaching second graders all day, ya just need to see a sweet baby."

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