Sunday, February 7, 2010

The After Party

My friends and family showered me with many fabulous toys, books, and clothes at my birthday party. Even before the wrapping paper had settled, though, this was what I wanted to play with most!
When all the partiers had gone home, I discovered that I can craw quicker than Mommy can clean. This is a very practical skill when there are cake crumbs on the floor, I tell ya'!
When Mommy got tired of party clean-up, she and I took a break in my ladybug tent. Can you believe my Mommy forgot to put this super cutie diaper cover on me when I dove into my smash cake?

Oh well...maybe I can wear them to all of the first birthday parties I have yet to attend this year (under a dress, of course).


Bri {collected} said...

That diaper cover is so cute!!