Thursday, February 18, 2010

Daddy/Daughter Day

Daddy and I had a fun Daddy/Daughter Day today while Mommy subbed at her old school.
Look at this cutie outfit Daddy picked out all by himself!
He would like the record to show that I would have been wearing my skinny jeans, had he known that I own a pair.(I'm sure as you look at this picture you're thinking, "That sure is a cutie outfit...but the back of Bug's hair is cuh-razy!" Well, you're absolutely right. It is cuh-razy. But that's not Daddy's fault. No one in my family has been able to tame that beast.)

Here I am chomping on some chicken, cheese, rice, beans, and one teeny piece of tomato at Freebirds. Daddy wanted to order the Super Monster burrito for me, but I convinced him that I needed to work my way up to that one.

Things Daddy and I accomplished during our DDD:
Played in my nursery
Read books
Bought a huge box of diapers from Babies R Us (the 10th box is free at BRU, so we buy our dipes from there)
Ate lunch at Freebirds
Bought K-cups for Daddy's coffe pot at Bed, Bath, and Beyond
Opened the front windows of our house for better Crime Watch patrol
Went on a wagon ride
Made dinner (okay, that was all Daddy)
Chainsawed the huge branches we lost during last week's snow fall so the city will pick them up (all Daddy, again)
Kept the house looking as good as it did when Mommy left in the morning

With accomplishments like these, I'm willing to bet that Mommy is looking forward to the next DDD!