I slept in these for the first 4 months of my life. They really helped me calm right down and get to sleep. Do not be fooled by imitators (explanation to come).

Why, yes, this is my pooping face!
Tiny Love Activity Gym
I started using this thing when I was only 7 days old (see picture)...and I didn't stop until I was over 7 months old. It was great for tummy time and checking myself out in the mirror.
Boppy Pillow
Mommy and I have used the Boppy every day since I came home from the hospital. Mommy says it saves her arms when she's nursing me, and I used it to prop myself up before I could sit alone.

Moby Wrap
This is Mommy and my faaaaavorite piece of baby gear! We recommend it to other mommy and baby duos all the time. When Mommy first put me in here at 4 weeks old (see pic below on left), I immediately fell asleep. As a newborn I would sometimes sleep in the Moby for 4 hours at a time!
At nearly 8 months old, Mommy and I are still using the Moby almost every day. This is where I hangout when we go shopping or when Mommy has to do housework (and it's not my nap time).,
Now, the few items Mommy and Daddy wouldn't buy again.
Pouch Sling
Mommy and I love the way these look, but they just aren't nearly as comfy as our Moby. It is also difficult to choose the right size, which may be why it's not so comfy. Ours is a little too big. We really recommend a Moby (or other wrap) over a sling.

First Years Swaddle Blanket
This brand does.not.work. Daddy got so frustrated with these that he balled them up and threw them in my closet with great, angry force! It was kind of scary. Spend the extra buck and buy the SwaddleMe brand.
Well, I think that's it for gear we don't really like. It's nice to know there's a lot more good than bad!
What do all of you other mommies think about our list? Anything we missed?
I absolutely agree with your list!!! (especially your comments about the Moby vs. the sling!) The vibrating bouncy chair is a must for us!
You have convinced me to buy a Moby! I definitely think this would help me tremendously!
I also totally agree about the SwaddleMe blankets! The only thing the imitators are good for are cleaning up spit up when we can't find a burp cloth! :)
Wow...mine was WAY longer! =) LOL!!!
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