This morning's gifts included a washer and dryer, week's worth of groceries, clothing for a few teenagers, small scholarship for a college student, gift cards to local restaurants, and lots more.
Mommy and I were especially excited about the gift we gave Mia. This is Mia (pretend that I'm pointing my finger at the picture below). Mia is part of Mommy and Daddy's young adult group. She helps out with lots of "behind the scenes" jobs, like getting coffee ready and setting out paper and pens for notetaking. She is also a wonderful example of being a hearer and doer of the Word. Mommy says Mia is always working to apply what she has read in Scripture. Her example has challenged Mommy to do more of this, as well.
Recently, Mia bought an older vehicle...which was a big answer to many of her prayers. So, to help her keep that vehicle in running order, the young adult group gave Mia a year's worth of oil changes! It may not be the most extravagant gift, but it meant a lot to Mia.
Want to know another reason Christmas at the Lighthouse is special? We get to see lots of friends who are "home for the holidays"! Like Joey, for example.
This is Joey (again, I'm pointing below). Joey is in his second year at West Point. You may have seen him shaking President Obama's hand when the President was speaking there recently (sorry Joey- Mommy made me add that part). Joey isn't able to get home much, but Mommy and Daddy sure do love it when he's here! He is super funny, super smart, and super interesting.
In fact, Mommy and Daddy just love his whole family. They have all come to know Christ in the last 5 years or less (please forgive Mommy if she's off by a year or two), and their faith journies have been both inspiring and challenging.
And the main reason I love Christmas Sunday? Because we get to celebrate Emmanuel...God with us! I have lots of reasons to celebrate the fact that the Father sent his Son into the world as a baby, even thought I'm just a baby myself.
What makes Christmas Sunday special at your church?
Love it Kate Bug!! We sure love Christmas over here too!! You know, your mommy & I should plan a play date next year! My little girl is not too far behind you in age! She will be 1 on March 8th. I wish you, mommy& daddy a MERRY CHRISTMAS pretty girl!!
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