I hope so! I am hoping it just helps with the experience and class management skills so when I do (hopefully) get a teaching job I'll be able to tell them I have been in the classrooom before.
My name is Rachel Moss and this is my 9th year of teaching. I love working with first graders! My hope is that this blog will be an effective way to let my students' parents see all of the learning that is taking place in our classroom each day.
We got ours on Friday too! Katie-Bug's b-day must be really close to Kate's! 2009 has just flown by.
Katie Bug, it is sad that you will grow up too fast, but think of the wonderful things yet to come.
Love you, Grandma
I hope so! I am hoping it just helps with the experience and class management skills so when I do (hopefully) get a teaching job I'll be able to tell them I have been in the classrooom before.
We will see.......it's always interesting! :)
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