Everyone in my family is so proud of Poppy this year! He has changed his perspective on food, learned to discipline his diet, and put in many hours at the gym.
What has been the result of all that hard work, you ask? Well, see for yourself*:
In addition to losing more than 50 pounds, Poppy has been taken off of his diabetes medicine and is no longer considered diabetic. He is also on his way to being able to throw his blood pressure medication out the window! Poppy looks much younger, feels much younger, and acts much younger.

My favorite part of Poppy's transformation is knowing that his health won't prevent him from watching me grow into a beautiful woman!
I am so proud of you, Poppy. Thank you for your hard work this year!
*On behalf of Mommy, I would like to apologize for the squirreliness of this collage. It was her first experience with Picnik and she didn't know what she was doing.
I am so proud of Poppy too! Now he can keep up with you Bug!
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