Look at this thing of beauty! Every time Mommy turns the lights on the tree it (literally) takes my breath away. There are no breakable ornaments on there this year, so I even get to touch it lots and lots.
I need to thank Daddy and Auntie for putting it up. They worked really hard while Mommy kept me corralled.
Mommy tried to get a few good pictures of me in front of the tree...but that didn't work out so well.

Last night we had a special treat. Some of our friends from Colorado are visiting, and they came over for dinner!
This is me playing with Maddy and Baby Ethan. Daddy says it is just about impossible to get a 3.5 month old, 10 month old, and 3 year old to look at the camera at the same time.
Thanks for coming over to play, Maddy and Ethan. I can't wait for you to come back to Texas again!
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