Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Beginner's Guide to Camping with a Toddler

When Daddy told Mommy that he would like to take me camping, her initial response was, "(pause) (pause) (pause) I really don't want to do that."  Once she realized how important it was to Daddy, though, she decided that she should deal with her toddler-camping fears and anxieties and get herself prepped for a fabulous weekend outdoors.
So, here's what Mommy learned through the wisdom of others and our own experiences.

1.  Decide on a sleeping arrangement that will work for your kiddo.
This was my sleeping set up

and this was Cousin Micah's setup.
Micah's little mini tent is called a KidCo PeaPod.  It's great for travel!

2.  Stay close to home.
The campsite that Uncle Brian and Aunt Becky chose was only 10 minutes away from their house.  It gave Mommy peace of mind to know that, if need be, we could pack up in the middle of the night and head to their house.

3.  Take a Bumbo.
Micah and I are both skinny minis, so we can still fit in our Bumbo chairs.  Add a tray and camping chair, and you've got yourself a great makeshift high chair.

4.  Pack lots of wet wipes.
Not these.


Mommy only had that teeny travel pack, so we sure did have to borrow lots of wipes from Aunt Becky.  They were very handy for cleaning off dirt covered hands before meals and wiping down my Bumbo tray after meals.

5.  Take a tent fan.
Micah's parents had this nifty little guy that sticks to the tent wall with two magnetic pieces (one on the inside of the tent and one on the outside).

6.  Camp in a spot that's not heavily populated.
This one may be a little harder to arrange. There was only one other group tent camping near us, and being almost the only campers really worked out in our favor.  Especially on Friday night when Micah and I both cried for an hour before falling asleep!

Those are Mommy's best tips for camping with a toddler.  Do you have any tips to add to this list?

Mommy just saw some of these same tips in her July issue of Parenting magazine.  She didn't steal them from there, though. She discovered them first hand this weekend. Promise! 

For more tips and tricks, check out We Are That Family's "Works For Me Wednesday".


Jaime @ Like a Bubbling Brook said...

I popped by from WFMW.... love the tips! We love to go camping, and it is SO hard to camp with babies and toddlers. You have some great ideas!!!


Molly Green said...

Great tips! I should have you write an article for my recently published 'Molly Goes Camping' Ebook!