Today, I wore pants to the Sunday morning service for the very first time! Since it was so rainy and cool this morning, Mommy decided to dress me in one of my cutie pant outfits. She was so excited that I would be able to wear it once since it is sized at 3-6 months. Once she put it on, though, she realized that I will probably have plenty more chances to wear it!

Here's a pic of me taking my nap right before we left for churh. Every Sunday, Mommy gets me dressed right before my nap time. That way, as soon as I wake up we can hop in the car and head to church. Daddy has to be there super early, so we meet him there.

Since I am over last week's runny nose, I was back in the nursery this morning. It was lots of fun...for about 45 minutes. Then, I decided I needed Mommy. She hung out with me in the nursery for the rest of the service.
That outfit is adorable! I love it! Brooke has to wear pants a lot because she is not fully walking yet. She gets so mad trying to crawl in dresses.
You will find that sizing your child is quite difficult. Austin, at 18 mo, can still wear some Carters 9-12 mo onesies, 18 mo pants, 12 mo shorts & short sleeve t-shirts. It's crazy.
Love her outfits - very stylish!
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