No, your eyes do not deceive you. This is a repeat Sunday outfit!

Mommy was really hoping she could get me into this dress one more time before I outgrew it, and today was the perfect opportunity since it was so unseasonably warm.
She also couldn't resist trying this smocked bonnet out on me. It was a gift from one of my great-great-aunts. As you can tell, I wasn't really wanting to cooperate with this cutie thing.

It's a good thing Mommy takes pictures of me before we go to church. Due to an unfortunate accident with a dirty diaper, this is what I was wearing by the time I made it to the nursery...

It's another good thing that Mommy carries a change of clothes in my diaper bag.
It was Mommy's week to be in the nursery, so I started out doing great. In fact, I almost made it through the whole service without a meltdown. But, right before service was over I noticed that Mommy was holding another baby and giving him a bottle. Can you believe it?! Aunt Tara offered to walk around with me so that I would not have to witness such a travesty.
And speaking of travesties, Mommy informed me of another one today. She is going to be substituting in a first grade class all week long!
This is how I feel about that news. 
On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I will stay with the lady who kept me last school year. Daddy will hang out with me on Thursday. Auntie will be my pal on Friday.

On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday I will stay with the lady who kept me last school year. Daddy will hang out with me on Thursday. Auntie will be my pal on Friday.
I am going to miss Mommy so much. She says she is going to miss me, too!
You don't have to worry, though. She helped me schedule blog posts in advance for this whole week.
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